Friday, April 28, 2006

If your ledgers are up to date, you may enjoy a day of electronic exploration.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Using the journals in problem 12-8, post the individual amounts from cash receipts and the cash payments journal. I will have a sample on the board. Post then save.

Have a great day in accounting!

Mr. Morris

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

After the tornado drill...

Shall we post!

Using the journals in problem 12-8, post the individual amounts from sales, purchases and the general journal. I will have a sample on the board. Post then save.

Have a great day in accounting!

Mr. Morris
Business Technology Today

1. Read your news on the internet today.

2. Post a mid-week update to your blogger and spend time reading a classmates blog.

3. You may use the remaining class time for outside work and research.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tuesday Accounting

Open your journals from last week and compare entries to those on the board:

Our order will be as follows:

General Journal 10:40-10:45
Purchase Journal 10:45-10:50
Cash Payments Journal 10:50-11:00
Sales Journal 11:00-11:05 (calculate sales tax @ .o8 and add for totals)
Cash Receipts Journal 11:05-11:10 (calculate sales tax @ .o8 and add for totals)

Your entries must be correct in order to post from the journals to ledgers correctly.

Save each journal to your folder on the zip250 drive.
1. Today's news via the internet.

2. Read and peruse an message board or discussion forum of your choice.

3. Final announcement in Word Project #1. WD 1.62 1-16. Print the document, it is not necessary for you to save. Be certain your name and class period is on the announcement.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Columbus Dispatch Media Monday

1. Peruse the connect technology section of your Columbus Dispatch and other sections of your daily newspaper. Please keep the paper together for later class periods.

2. Save a connect technology story to your excel file. The dispatch page is updated by 8:30 am.

3. Post a weekend update to your blog with a minimum of 25 words.

4. Read and post a comment on a classmate's blog.

Columbus Dispatch Media Monday

1. Peruse the connect technology section of your Columbus Dispatch and other sections of your daily newspaper. Please keep the paper together for later class periods.

2. Save a connect technology story to your excel file. The dispatch page is updated by 8:30 am.

3. Post a weekend update to your blog with a minimum of 25 words.

4. Read and post a comment on a classmate's blog.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday Accounting, April 21, 2006

1. Opening an accounts payable ledger.

From the century21 website download the ledgers folder and open apl3x4.xls. You will need to copy and paste one additional account.

Create the following accounts:

Design Golf 210
Eagle Golf Equipment 220
Golf Source 230
Pro Golf Supply 240
Vista Golf Golf Co. 250

Save the Ledger to your folder as Accounts Payable

2. Opening an accounts receivable ledger.

Click on the ledgers folder and open arl3x4.xls. You will need to copy and paste one additional account.

Create the following accounts:

David Bench 110
Viola Davis 120
Barry Fuller 130
Doris McCarley 140
Leona Silva 150

Save the ledger to your folder as Accounts Receivable.

3. On Monday we will begin posting from the journals.
Business Technology students may utilize their computer today for outside work, study and practice.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thursday Accounting:

Establishing a ledger: Use this link

1. Together we will be creating a general ledger with 14 accounts.

2. Setting up the Accounts Payable ledger.

3. Setting up the Accounts Receivable ledger.

Saving to the Zip 250 drive.
Thursday in Bus. Tech

1. Read today's morning news on the internet.

2. Post an update to your blog and comment on two classmates blogs.

3. Print your Seussical the Musical flyer with your name on the bottom. Make sure you are logged onto the network and please print one copy.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Accounting: Textbook pgs. 306-307

Read instructions carefully for problem 12-8.

You will need the following journals cpj4.xls, crj6.xls, gj2.xls, pj1.xls, sj3.xls. You may download the journals from For the month of October complete transactions through October 23-31. Do not worry about any posting procedures. We will complete posting later in the week. Save each of your journals to the accounting folder on the zip250 drive.
1. Always start with news on the internet.

2. Continue reading at an internet discussion board or forum.

3. Spiral bound activity: WD 1.60 Creating an announcement with clip art.

Change all information from Grease to Seusical the Musical

Veterans Memorial Theater
April 21 & 22
Showtime begins @ 7:oo pm

Find an appropriate clip art or search the web...

Save your file to email or the zip250 drive.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Tuesday Accounting:

Textbook pgs. 306-307
Read instructions carefully for problem 12-8.

You will need the following journals cpj4.xls, crj6.xls, gj2.xls, pj1.xls, sj3.xls. You may download the journals from For the month of October complete transactions through October 15-22. Do not worry about any posting procedures. We will complete posting later in the week. Save each of your journals to the accounting folder on the zip250 drive.
1. Read your news via the internet!

2. Place into your excel weblog a story from yesterday's Columbus Dispatch "connect technology".

3. Post a weekend update to your blogger.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Enjoy a day of electronic exploration!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

1. Read your news on the internet today.

2. Post a mid-week update to your blogger.

3. Complete Word project #1 pgs WD 1.42 "Inserting clip art" to 1.49, stop before "printing a document".

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tuesday Accounting:

Textbook pgs. 306-307

Read instructions carefully for problem 12-8. You will need the following journals cpj4.xls, crj6.xls, gj2.xls, pj1.xls, sj3.xls. You may download the journals from

For the month of October complete transactions through October 14. Do not worry about any posting procedures. We will complete posting on Thursday of this week.

Save each of your journals to the accounting folder on the zip250 drive.
1. Today's news on the internet.

2. Let's spend some time in the Word....

WD 1.29-1.42

3. Save your document to your email or to the zip 250 drive.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday Accounting

Posting special journal column totals:

**when you post a column total write the acct. number beneath the total after you post**

Sales journal post AR debit, sales credit, sales tax payable credit.

Purchases journal post this amount twice, first to purchases as a debit, then to AP as a credit.

General Journal has no column totals to post.

Cash Receipts Journal post the AR credit amount, sales credit, sales tax payable credit and Cash as a debit.

Cash Payments Journal post the AP debit total and the cash credit.

I have zero handouts from Nathan Epling, Scott McCann, Colin McKean, Jacob Morse and Nick Scheiderer.
Columbus Dispatch Media Monday

1. Peruse the connect technology section of your Columbus Dispatch and other sections of your daily newspaper. Please keep the paper together for later class periods.

2. Save a connect technology story to your excel file. The dispatch page is updated by 8:30 am.

3. Post a weekend update to your blog with a minimum of 25 words.

4. Read and post a comment on a classmate's blog.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Accounting posting instructions:

1. In the cash receipts journal post the accounts receivable credit column information to the accts. rec. ledger. Balance amounts will reduce. Do not post the check marks!

2. Post the individual items in the cash payments journal to the general ledger and accts. payable ledger. Pay close attention to how the balances are affected.

3. Have a good day in high school accounting.
Friday, Business Tech

1. Read your daily news stories on the internet.

2. Retrieve a spiral bound book from the bookshelf. Find microsoft word project #1, look for the green tabbed pages. Locate page WD 1.18 and follow instructions up to WD 1.28 and save file to your email or zip drive.

3. You may web browse when you finish.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

All are posting today and come short of the glory of accounting!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hello, my name is Mr. Morris and I am your high school accounting teacher!

I am in a good mood today inspite of a recent lack of sleep. Not sure what the problem is but I'm working on it. Today you are to:

1. Total each column in the sales journal at the top of workbook page 265
2. Total the column in the purchase journal in the middle of workbook page 265
3. Do not total the general journal at the bottom of page 265.
4. Complete the information for the sales journal proof, fill in the correct information and prove totals.
5. Total each column of the cash receipts journal on page 266. Complete the journal proof below the journal.
6. Total the cash payments journal on page 267 and complete the journal proof below the journal.
7. Place your name on the sheet and submit to your course instuctor.
8. You may use the remaining class period on an electronic explortation.

Enjoy your day in Fairbanks HS Accounting.
1. Read today's news via the internet.

2. Search, read and weblog one technology article and save to your excel weblog.

3. A look at the microsoft word window in about 20ish minutes.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Accounting today:

Posting from special journals can be a complicated process. Remember special journals are designed to "streamline" transactions. This means similar entries are recorded in the same location. In chapter 12 we divide the ledger into three parts. The general ledger still holds all of the cards but subsidiary ledgers are established to handle Accounts Receivable (customers) pg.. 283 and Accounts Payable (vendors or suppliers) see pg. 274. With the exception of the general journal each special journal will have individual amounts posted and column totals. Peruse section 12-5 for posting to a general ledger on pages 291-294. Peruse section 12-6 for posting column totals on pages 296-301. No handouts need to be submitted today. Review the parts before we take a look at the whole tomorrow.
1. Today's news on the internet.

2. Read from an internet message board or discussion forum.

3. After about 15 minutes type the internet paragraph displayed on the big screen.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Today in Fairbanks HS accounting, use the handouts and textbook in order to complete the following problems.

1. Posting from a sales journal…complete page 286 #’s 3, 4, 5, 6

2. Posting from a cash receipts and general journal and preparing Schedule of Accounts Receivable, complete page 290 #’s 3, 4, 5, 6.

3. Write your name on your handout and submit.
Welcome back to school! Today is opening day!

Columbus Dispatch Media Monday

1. Peruse the connect technology section of your Columbus Dispatch and other sections of your daily newspaper. Please keep the paper together for later class periods.

2. Save a connect technology story to your excel file. The dispatch page is updated by 8:30 am.

3. Post a spring break update to your blog with a minimum of 75 words.

4. Read and post a comment on a classmate's blog.