Mr. Morris is inconveniently absent today. I have some dental work I need to have taken care of so I am healthy enough to coach our team on Thursday. Please be courteous and cooperative for Mr. Smith during his visit today. No hall passes today unless it is an emergency.
Below you will find your classroom assignments, enjoy your day with technology.
Advanced Technology Students (periods 1 & 2)
1. Read a tech article from MSNBC and save the link to your excel file.
2. Create two links to your favorite websites in another column on your excel file.
3. Save your excel file and upload to your email or save to the z: drive shared media folder.
4. You may web browse until the end of the class period.
Ed Tech (7th graders)
1. Type2Learn (15 minutes)
2. Visit your blog and post an update. Comment on a classmates blog. (15 minutes)
3. You may web browse until the end of the class period.
Accounting (Period 6)
1. Utilize the computer for outside work, practice or research.
2. Be accountable.
3. Do unto others.
Business Technology (periods 7 & 8)
1. Read a tech article from MSNBC and save the link to your excel file.
2. Create two links to your favorite websites in another column on your excel file.
3. Save your excel file and upload to your email or save to the z: drive shared media folder.
4. You may web browse until the end of the class period.
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